
Pomotama is a Pomodoro timer app inspired by my favorite timer app Pomofocus.io. It offers focused Pomodoro timer intervals and personal todo tracker.

I love Pomofocus.io so much that I'm basically using it every day while doing tasks. While it's being really helpful to my productivity flow, I feel like I can improve the app to suit my need more. Therefore, I built this as a side project for both learning purposes and personal usage.

sneak peek of the app pomotama
The front page of the app Pomotama

What did I build it with?

  • Vite as modern web project build tool
  • React.js for building reusable and interactive UI components
  • TypeScript for building business logic
  • Tailwind CSS for rapidly building the style
  • React Testing Library + Jest to ensure the quality of the app and foster faster development process
  • Jotai as global React state management library
  • Driver.js as product tours library to provide tutorial for user

Project Purpose and Goals

I built this project to further solidify my knowledge of creating a web application and single page application (SPA) development with React. I wanted to demonstrate my ability to implement a SPA web application with React, following React best practice and project architecture.

Here are the concepts and patterns I have learnt:

  • Planning web application from general ideas to coding the pages
  • React project architecture
  • Creating custom hooks
  • Exploring React global state management
  • Utilising web worker API for background process
  • Implementing unit tests and component tests
the tips provided at the bottom of the app to guide user
The tips provided at the bottom of the app to guide user